Dave lindahl real estate business and tips for how to invest money in real estate business, how to avoid scam.
Are commercial fixer-uppers worth the time, expense and effort? Dave lindahl answer to that would be that the right fixer-upper with numbers that make sense can be the correct strategy to use. In fact, these types of properties can be an easy way to see an instant value raise in the property but like with any deal, only if the costs to rehab the property make sense.
Commercial fixer-uppers employ one of my favorite value plays called “repositioning”. That means that either the tenant base changes, the look of the property changes or that both of these options are exercised on the properties.
A lot money in the deal to help cover the expenses of relocation. Taking too long to get paid is one of the reasons a fixer-upper investment will fail. If you aren’t collecting the necessary rents to cover the mortgage because repositioning is taking longer than expected, you could have a terrible condition on your hands. Set a plan that is sensible financially before you commit yourself to any fixer-upper deal.
Apartment buildings can be a great opening for moving. In strategies like these, the first thing dave lindahl usually change is the exterior paying special attention to the parking lot, roofing and sidings. Dave lindahl do other simple things like updating the landscaping and putting new signage on the property which are quick ways to give a new look to an older structure.